To educate young adults in and around the Bowmansville Fire Protection District in the
protection of life and property from the rages of fire. To train the explorers in the
use and purpose of the tools of Fire Fighting and First Aid. To instill in their minds
the desire to help their fellow man in their time of need.
To prepare the young adults in and around the Bowmansville Fire Protection District to
become limited active members if they so desire. Upon their 16th birthday, the Explorer
Post Advisors may recommend to the Bowmansville Vol. Fire Assoc. Chief, President, First
Aid Captain and Membership Investigating Committee.
To prepare the young adults in and around the Bowmansville Fire Protection District to
become active members if they so desire. Upon their 18th birthday, Explorer Post Advisors
may recommend to the Bowmansville Vol. Fire Assoc. Chief, President, First Aid Captain and
Membership Investigating Committee. Or they may stay with the Post as an Explorer until
they are 21 years of age.
2024 Explorers
Ethan Kaiser Ayden McGhee
Charles Trzepacz Mason Voelker
Bruno De Compos Caleb Voelker
Emily Trzepacz Michael Andrzejewski
Robert Voelker Wayne Stewart
Explorer Members During Routine Training

Training Group

Training Group

Team Building

Team Building

Team Building

Training Drills


2016 Explorer Members at Montour Falls
Ages 14-21
Compliance with BVFA By-Laws/SOGs
Compliance with Learning for Life regulations
Free Training
Free Uniforms
Free protective equipment
Make new friends
Advancement opportunity
Community service & self satisfaction
For more information, call 683-9811 or stop by Station 1 on Mondays
9-11 am or 7-9 pm.
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