History of Bowmansville Volunteer Fire Association By Daniel Magrum
Fire Hall In The 1950s
The Young Men’s Association of Bowmansville NY in 1908 purchased a large
frame building at 5312 Genesee St. This building was next door to the Palmer Bowman
Tavern and was owned by L. P. Meyers. The building was moved to 36 Main Street
where it was remodeled and made into a community center, where some meetings were
held and plays were put on. However, the Young Men’s Association only lasted a few
years. The President of the Young Men’s Association, Mr. H. Schweinsburg, entertained
a motion to see if there were enough property owners to form a fire company. About 35
men were present at the meeting; all raised their hands in favor of the motion. This
was the start of the Bowmansville Volunteer Fire Association. In September of 1912,
A New York State Charter was granted to the members of the Bowmansville Volunteer
Fire Association and the following became Charter Members of the Association.
J. Walter
H. Schweinsburg
W. MacArthur
C. Powers
W. Yanda
H. Suckow
F. Perrone
C. W. Lamb
C. Gass
H. Malzan
A. Meyers
G. Yanda
W. Smith
G. Sandford
E. L. Geigel
W. Cimmerer
L. P. Meyers
G. Ertel
B. Longmate
C. Adolf
J. Brauner
C. Cotton
M. F. Baker
H. Willyoung
E. Staub
E. Bastian
H. Seitz
C. E. Beidler
F. Stutzman
A. Pfleiger
H. Zumstein
R. Cimmerer
J. A. Lutz
A. Rogers
M. Mayback
In 1912, the company's elected officers were:
M. F. Baker
A. S. Pfeleger
H. W. Willyoung
Charles Powers
M. B. Zumstein
A. Snell
A. Rogers
John Walter
B. Longmate
C. E. Beidler
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Vice President
First Assistant Chief
Second Assistant Chief
A committee of three including E.A. Mayback, E. Staub and Fire Chief M.B. Zumstein
was appointed to secure suitable fire fighting equipment at a normal cost.
The committee reported to the President and trustees as to the type of equipment
that would be needed to operate a fire company. It was reported to the company and
a motion was passed, that a chemical cart be purchase from J.J. Sly of East Aurora,
New York (1912). This cart had to be pulled by a team of horses, which had to be
available nearby.
Chief M. B. Zurnstein
The cost of this equipment had to be paid for. There was no taxation like we
have today. So the fire company decided to hold a 3-day picnic in 1915. It was
held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the fire company grounds. Lots of food,
drink and fun for everyone. The menu was fish on Fridays, chicken barbeque on
Saturday and Sunday, and the famous clam chowder all three days. Mr. John Drews,
of Harris Poultry Farm, donated all the chickens as well as all the farmers
donated the vegetables to make the chowder. The wives of the fire company members and
the town’s people worked to make this a huge success. Now we could pay our bills
and buy more fire fighting equipment.
In 1919, the Company decided to purchase a Model “T” Ford chassis, from Jerge
Motors Company, and then transferred the chemical cart to the new vehicle. This
was our first motorized fire vehicle. This was just after World War I, but it
lasted a few years and then in 1927 we purchased a “Buffalo” line truck from
Buffalo Fire Appliance Corporation.
The next purchase was a 1932 600 gallon tank truck and in 1936, an 800 gallon
tank truck replaced the 1932 model. The 1932 and 1936 tank trucks were all used
vehicles, which we converted to fire truck service. The tanker was necessary, as
the district lacked water lines and fire hydrants.
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1919 Ford Model 'T' Chemical Wagon
Chief Walter Scrace Vehicle,
1927 Buffalo, 1936 Model 'T'
In 1945, the Bowmansville Volunteer Fire Company, in recognition of tribute
to the members of the fire company that served in the armed forces during World
War II, decided that a monument be erected at a pre-set sight (Genesee St. and
Stutzman Rd). Permission was granted by New York State Public Works, which owned the
property. In 1949, the monument was turned over to the Edward J. Bastain Post #1479
for maintenance and up-keep. They did a great job.
We were still running our 2-day picnics every 1st and 2nd Saturday and Sunday
in August. We always had a large parade and raffled new cars each year, which of
course brought the funds for our new fire station. We could usually count on support
of neighboring fire companies; as a rule of thumb we would participate in their
festivities if they participated in ours. We continued to run our 2-day picnics until
1962, at which time the Bowmansville Volunteer Fire Association celebrated the 50th
Anniversary of operation. After discontinuing the field days, the main company
fundraiser became bingo, beginning in 1964 and continuing until 1994 (this
allowed us to stop worrying about the rain!).
In 1946, the Bowmansville Volunteer Firemen went on record to see if they could
do something for the young boys in the area. They came up with the idea to see if they could
sponsor a Boy Scout Troop. They appointed a committee consisting of
Henry Maday, Charles Zoerb, Richard Longmate, Sam Culmo, Elmer Hamann, Elmer Fox,
Rev Woodruff (from the Methodist Church), and Jack Moore. Starting with about 10
boys, Troop 56 had weekly meetings. Each and every scout would be a possible fireman and
they could trade their uniform in when they became old enough. The Boy Scout Troop
disbanded many years later, but Troop 56 was retained for the current Fire Explorer Post
that the company sponsored for several years.
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Walter Scrace, John Scrace,
Daniel Magrum

Engine 1, Engine 3, Engine 2,
Chowder House
The only land that the firemen owned was where the firehouse was standing. However
in late summer of 1946, it was in mind that the company needed a new larger fire
headquarters. 27 Acres of land adjoined the company property that was owned by Mr.
Hawro. A deal was set and the company purchased the property. This land was west of
the old fire hall. We broke ground in 1949 and in 1950 the new firehouse was dedicated.
The original building was cut lengthwise in half and the bottom was removed. After
the removal of the debris, the top half was gingerly lowered to the ground. The
location then became the chowder house. The men fixed and installed the gas lines
to the chowder kettles and lighting was installed. The women just loved this house.
It was permanent. In 1964
at until such time it was taken down and carted away. The banquet hall gave us a little
money from holding weddings, parties, bingo and gun raffles, etc.
Also, in 1950 we worked feverishly to ready the basement in the new building for
our proposed clubroom to celebrate our dedication of our new building. We rolled in
an icebox filled with beer, and some food. This icebox had a little story to it.
The hot dog stand known as “Kum Back In” on Genesee Street at the site where Rehm Road
comes out in Cheektowaga was closing down. I forgot what we paid for it, but it was
a small amount, and we moved it down to the clubroom. We used it for quite a few
years until such time that we got enough money to buy a built-in cooler. We fixed
the walls up and the ceiling and we had a clubroom. Quite a few major improvements
were made after that. I just hope the firemen appreciate that.
Erie County Fair 1947, Fire
Prevention Display
In 1950 a drum corp was talked about. It would be called the Bowmansville Volunteer
Firemen’s Association”. Every time that we paraded, they were there providing music
in the line of march. It lasted until the Korean War when most of the firefighters
left for service.
Drum Major Jackson Moore Leading
the Troops
In 1951, the Company purchased a 500 gpm Diamond “T” tanker/pumper combination which
held 1300 gallons of water. In 1953 and 1958 we purchased two more diamond “T”
tank trucks. The 1953 model held 1000 gallons of water with 500 gpm pump. The
1958 model held 450 gallons of water and was also equipped with 500 gpm midship
1952 Line Officers
Walter Scrace, Chief; Willard Meyers, 1st Asst Chief; Richard Longmate,
2nd Asst Chief; Foreman
In 1961, the Bowmansville Volunteer Fire Company appointed a committee to look
into an alerting system and a home receiver was installed in homes of fire fighters,
especially the more distant ones from our fire station. We had a transmitter to
operate the radios. The Lancaster Town Board was approached and arrangements
were made for the Town Police to dispatch the calls for the company. This alerting
system was put into service in 1962. This system of alerting did not replace the
siren system, which is still in service today. Today, fire fighters are equipped
with individual pagers, which allows the fire fighters to respond to calls from
any location they may be at.
1952 Salesan from Plectron
Fire Company Apparatus 1962
Line Officers 1962
Philip Fink, Paul Sugg, Oscar Metzinger, President James Martina, Robert Snyder
In 1962, a first aid truck was purchased. It was a Metro-van, built by
International Harvester Company. It proved to be very well needed. Quite a few
fire fighters took the first aid courses that were required and took part in
First Aid competitions. It was converted into Fire Police Vehicle in 1978.
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Line Officers 1963
Foreman Robert MacPeek, 2nd Asst Chief Harold Biecke, 1st Asst Chief
Howard Scrace, Chief George MacPeek
In 1963, the Bowmansville Volunteer Firemen’s Exempt Association was granted
Incorporation papers from the State of New York. Harold Glor was the first
President of the Exempt Association. At the first meeting in September of
that year, all sixty-four members present became charter members.

Exempt Officers 1963
Top: Charles Lindstrom, Joseph Knott, Howard, Peter Klein
Bottom: Henry Geisler, Bernard Doran, Harold Glor, Ray Kroecker
In 1964, the Company purchased 1000 gpm American LaFrance Engine. In 1967
they purchased another American LaFrance 1000 gpm with 750 gallon tank.

Engine 4, Engine 5, Engine 2

Company Apparatus in 1965

Company Apparatus in the Early 1970s
In 1970, due to an increase in first aid calls the company purchased a 1964 Cadillac
Ambulance from the Harris Hill Volunteer Fire Company for transport of citizens to area

Past Chief Daniel Magrum On The Run

2nd Asst Chief Herrnreiter,
Chief Ernie Rose, 1st Asst Chief MacPeek

1975 Fire Chief Officers
1st Asst Chief Robert Herrnreiter, Chief William MacPeek,
2nd Asst Chief Robert MacPeek

Fire Company Apparatus in 1975
In 1975, a 1000 gpm with a 750 gallon tank, was purchased from Young Fire

1975 Engine 1000 gpm,
750 Gallon Tank
In 1976, the Fire Company First Aid Competition Team Won The FASNY and Western
New York First Aid Competitions.

1976 FASNY and WNY First Aid Champions
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Blizzard of 1977.
Rescue 4 with Lieutenant Gary Schroeck
Fire Police Captain Don
In 1977, Station 2 was built on Seitz Avenue.

Station 2 New in 1977
Fire Company 1978 Line Officers.

Top Row: Chief Robert MacPeek
Middle Row: 1st Asst Frank Cullinan, 2nd Asst Gary Schroeck
Bottom Row: Robert Herrnreiter, Robert Sinclair, Gregory Budnik, Donald
Sutton, Donald Bleistein, Reymond Johnson
In 1978, a Ford Econoline Van was purchased and converted into a light rescue vehicle.
This van was converted into a Fire Police vehicle in 1989.

Richard Reese, Jr., Donald
Bleistein, Carl Meyers
In 1978 the Fire Company responded to a structure fire at 470 Pleasant View Drive.
An 80 year old male died.
Chief Robert MacPeek
Firefighter Raymond Hartel
Fire Company Line Officers 1979.

Top Row: Raymond Hartel, Robert
Herrnreiter, Donald Bleistein, William MacPeek, Norm Preston, Donald Sutton
Seated: 2nd Asst Chief Gregory Budnik, Chief Frank Cullinan, 1st Asst Chief
Gary Schroeck
Fire Company Association Officers 1979.

Top Row: George Neuner, Harry Wolf,
James Gaskin, Richard Wahl, Donald Bleistein
Seated: Michael Miller, President Reese, Richard Stanley, Carl Meyers
On April 26, 1979, the Bowmansville Fire Fighters were alerted to a truck fire at Lancaster
Stone Products on Barton Road. It was filled with explosives.
Chief Frank Cullinan was the
First Bowmansville Unit on Location
In the Winter of 1979, the Fire Company responded to a structure fire on
Genesee Street east of Harris Hill Road.
In 1980, a used Dodge ambulance was purchased from Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance
Fire Company Line Officers 1982.

Top Row: Robert Sinclair,
Robert Muehlbauer, Dennis Mullen, Mark Sutton
Seated: Chief Donald Sutton, 1st Asst. Gary Schroeck, 2nd Asst. Chief Mark
Lawniczak, Raymond Hartel
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On July 3, 1982, the Fire Company responded to a structure fire at Coral Pools on
Transit Road south of Wehrle Drive.
In 1984, the Company purchased, for the first time, a new Braun Ambulance from
J.W. Carney Sales. It Was converted into a Fire Police Vehicle 1996.
In 1985, the Company took delivery of its first chief’s vehicle; a Chevy Blazer.

Our First Chief Vehicle w/ Chief
Mark Lawniczak Sr.
In 1986, the Company purchased two new 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tanks from
Young Fire Equipment.

Engine 1

Engine 2
Fire Company Line Officers 1987.

Top Row: Gary Schroeck,
Donald Bleistein Middle Row: Michael Schuler, Kevin Chudy, Harry Wolf,
Paul Falt, Karl Schaefer Seated: 2nd Asst Chief Mark Lawniczak,
Chief William MacPeek, 1st Asst Chief Robert Sinclair
Company Apparatus 1987
In October of 1987 the Fire Company responded to a mutual aid request from
U-Crest for a fire at the Westinghouse plant on Genesee Street. and Holtz Road.

Firefighter Lukas, Captain Wegst,
Firefighter J. Andrzejewski
On October 29, 1987, the Fire Company received a special award from Lancaster
High School.

Past Chief Gregory Budnik,
Oscar Roaldi, Chief Lawniczak
In 1989, the Company purchased a Chevrolet Suburban, to use as Light Rescue.
On Sunday, September 17, 1989, the Fire Company responded to a bus roll over on the
New York State Thruway just east of Harris Hill Road; injuring 24 West German
Company Apparatus in 1990.
In 1990, the Company purchased a GMC Suburban to replace the 1985 Chief's Vehicle.
It was converted into Light Rescue in 1996.
On April 30, 1992, the Fire Company responded to a Mutual Aid request from Depew
Fire Department at the old Dresser plant on Main Street.

Fire Fighter Dan Curtis
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In one week in November and December 1994 the fire company responded to three structure

Salvatores Italian Gardens, 6461 Transit Rd.

236 Pleasant View Drive and
592 Pleasant View Drive
Fire Company Officers in 1995.
In February 2, 1995, responded to a working house fire at 2747 Wehrle Drive.
On October 6, 1995, the Bowmansville Fire Company was alerted to a motor vehicle
accident on the New York State Thruway Westbound near Barton Road.
Fire Company Line Officers 1997.

Standing: Carl Meyers, Gregory Budnik,
Tim Domzalski, James Len, Grant Gunsher, Raymond Hartel, Daniel Curtis Seated:
1st Asst Chief Mark Lawniczak, Chief Donald Wegst, Second Asst Chief Karl Schaefer
In 1997, a Freightliner Heavy Rescue, manufactured by KME, was purchased. This Vehicle
was the first heavy rescue purchased by the company.
Also in 1996, a 1996 GMC Suburban was purchased to replace the 1989 Chevrolet Suburban
Chief's Vehicle. The 1989 Suburban was then moved to a light rescue vehicle.

Daniel Magrum Cleaning the new
Chief's Truck
On January 25, 1999, Town of Lancaster declared state of emergency due to the flooding
of Ellicott Creek.
In 1999, a 1750 gpm pump with 1000 gallon tank Fire/Rescue Truck, manufactured
by E-One was placed in service. This replaced the 1975 Young.
On January 28, 2001, the Fire Company responded to a woman down at Sacred Heart Church.
Fire Company Apparatus 2001.
In 2001 the Fire Company responded to a roll over accident on the New York State
Thruway near Barton Road.

Firefighter Pete Strickland
Stabilizing the Vehicle
In 2001, Bowmansville responded to a structure fire at 111 Stony Road.
In 2001, a 2000 gpm pumper with a 1000 gallon tank also was purchased from E-One.
This replaced one of our 1986 Young Fire Equipment pumpers. Also in 2001, the
fire company purchased two Assistant Chief’s cars and a Ford Medium Rescue from
American LaFrance. This vehicle replaced the 1990 Suburban.
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On August 2, 2001, Bowmansville responded to a structure fire at 5895 Genesee Street;
the Gathering’s.

Fire Company Apparatus 2002.

In 2002, the BVFA purchased a 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe, custom built by Odessy.
This vehicle replaced the 1996 Suburban. This vehicle was moved to 2nd Asst Chief
Vehicle in 2004.

On April 4, 2002, the Fire Company responded to a female with chest pain at
Dr. Penepant's Office on Genesee Street.

In 2004, the company purchased a 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe Chief’s Vehicle; built
by American LaFrance. This vehicle replaced the 2001 Crown Victoria. In 2004,
purchases also included a Chevrolet Utility/Fire Police built by American LaFrance
and a 2004 Chevrolet Suburban Utility vehicle. In 2005, the company purchased a Ford
Medium Rescue Vehicle from American LaFrance. This Vehicle replaced the 1989
Chevrolet Suburban.

In 2006, the company purchased a Chevrolet Tahoe Chief’s Vehicle, which was built
by American LaFrance. This Tahoe replaced the second 2001 Crown Victoria Chief’s

On February 6, 2006, Limited Active Fire Fighter/Explorer Kevin Stephan saves a
life with training he received from the Fire Company and Boy Scouts of America.
Congressman says heroes are example of the great service Red Cross provides Congressman
Thomas M. Reynolds (R-Clarence) today honored local heroes Kevin Stephan and Penny Brown
as well as the Greater Buffalo Chapter of the American Red Cross. Reynolds made the
recognition in honor of American Red Cross Month.
"To be surrounded by two genuine heroes and a great organization like the Greater
Buffalo Red Cross is truly humbling," Reynolds said. "The story of Kevin and Penny
is amazing, and shows the true power of the human spirit as well as the benefits of
knowing life-saving techniques like those used by Kevin and Penny. And organizations
like the Greater Buffalo Red Cross are the backbone for providing such training as
well as the primary provider for disaster relief in Western New York."
Stephan and Brown are national heroes because of their amazing story in which each
saved the other's life, seven years apart. Stephan, as an 11-year-old batboy for
his little league team, was struck by a bat in the chest, and fell face first to
the ground where he lay breathless. Brown, a registered nurse, hopped from the
stands and performed CPR on Stephan, saving his life. Then seven years later, in
an amazing turn of events, Stephan returned the life-saving favor. Brown was dining
in the restaurant Stephan worked in when he began to choke. Stephan rushed from the
kitchen and, using the training he had received as a junior-firefighter, performed
the Heimlich maneuver to save Brown's life.
Reynolds presented Stephan with the American Red Cross National Certificate of Merit,
the Red Cross' highest honor which recognizes individuals or a team of individuals
who save a life using American Red Cross training. Reynolds also recognized Brown
with a Congressional Certificate for her actions seven years earlier.
"This story is so astounding, sometimes it is hard to believe," added Reynolds.
"But it is believable because of the life-saving techniques and training that
organizations like the Buffalo Red Cross provide throughout Western New York.
It is wonderful that this story can call attention to all of the wonderful
training and resources that the Buffalo Red Cross provides for our area."
The Greater Buffalo Chapter of the American Red Cross, located on Delaware Avenue
in Buffalo, provides disaster preparedness services, life-saving training courses
and other wellness courses. In the past year, the Greater Buffalo Chapter helped
provide 20,580 people with CPR and first aid training, helped 758 military families
to communicate with their loved ones serving in the armed forces, and met the
transportation needs of 221 older adults through the LIFE Project transportation
services for a total of 750 trips.
"Kevin and Penny's story is both a great personal story as well as a great way
to highlight the importance of the services and resources provided by the Greater
Buffalo Chapter of the American Red Cross," stated Reynolds. "It is an honor to
recognize Kevin with the American Red Cross National Certificate of Merit for his
actions and to recognize Penny for her heroism as well as the Buffalo Red Cross
for the great contributions they make to Western New York families and communities."
On June 23 2006, the fire company was dispatched to a rollover accident on the
New York State Thruway.

On June 24, 2006, Bowmansville Fire Company was dispatched to a mutual aid blaze
in Depew on Crane Street.

On August 26, 2006, the fire company was dispatched to an accident on the track
at Lancaster Speedway.

On August 30, 2006, the Fire Company was dispatched to a van rollover on the New
York State Thruway near Harris Hill Rd. This was a church van with 12 people on board.

On February 26, 2007 , Bowmansville responded to a school bus and car accident on
Stony Road near Walden Avenue.

On April 26, 2007, the Fire Company was dispatched to a mutual aid structure fire
with Alden Fire Department at St. John's School on Westwood and Sandridge Roads
in Alden.

On August 14, 2007, Bowmansville Fire Company responded to a MVA with
Millgrove Fire Department on Genesee Street near Schisler Road.

On February 20, 2008, the fire company responded to a mutual aid blaze with
Depew Fire Department at 6348 Transit Road, Transit Hill Plaza.

On February 24, 2008, Bowmansville responded to a motor vehicle accident at
the corner of Genesee Street and Stony Road.

On March 6, 2008, the fire company responded to a mutual aid motor vehicle
accident (ambulance and mini van) with Lancaster Village FD.


In 2012, Bowmansville Volunteer Fire
Association celebrated 100 years of dedicated service to the community. BVFA
included the community in its celebration by bringing back the Field Days from
years ago, and also a 100th Anniversary parade, which brought in participants
from near and far. Other celebrations took place thoughout the year.

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